Friday, 7 March 2014

Time to review driving demerit point system

In my opinion demerit points should be there for when we make a mistake on our roads to give us something to think about. Like how important my licence is. How would I make a living if I was to lose it. If I drive like this again how much of an increased risk am I on the roads?

The demerit point system should not be there to reward unsafe driving behaviour and give a driver multiple chances to break our road rules. We have at the moment 12 points available to us and if we reach it we a given an option to keep our licence. We can chose to lose it for 3 months or go on a 12 month bond where if you get 1 more point you lose your licence for 6 months.

I would hope that given the events in the past weeks it give the authorities a chance to look at our current system and see if its failing us, can we make it better and not just we've got it right to save admitting you've got it wrong so wrong in fact. 
I would like to see that we only get 6 points with no option of a bond and we lose our licence for 3 months and truck drivers 6 months. It might sound harsh but we need to make a stance to making our roads safer make us the drivers take more responceability on how we use or roads.

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